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Exploring the Filesystem Exploring the FilesystemTraversing up and down the filesystem tree can get tedious. The tree command is a good way to get a bird’s-eye view of the filesystem tree. Use tree -d to view just the directories and to suppress listing file names.The following commands can help in exploring the filesystem:CommandUsagecd /Changes your current directory to the root (/) directory (or path you supply)lsLis.. 더보기
Understanding Absolute and Relative Paths Understanding Absolute and Relative PathsThere are two ways to identify paths:Absolute pathname: An absolute pathname begins with the root directory and follows the tree, branch by branch, until it reaches the desired directory or file. Absolute paths always start with /.Relative pathname: A relative pathname starts from the present working directory. Relative paths never start with /.Multiple s.. 더보기
System config You can control basic configuration options and desktop settings through the System Settings panelLinux always uses Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) for its own internal time-keeping . You can set Date and Time Settings from the System Settings window.The Network Time Protocol is the most popular and reliable protocol for setting the local time via Internet servers.The Displays panel allows you .. 더보기
GNOME GNOME is a popular desktop environment and graphical user interface that runs on top of the Linux operating system.The default display manager for GNOME is called gdm.The gdm display manager presents the user with the login screen which prompts for the login username and password.Logging out through the desktop environment kills all processes in your current X session and returns to the display .. 더보기
linux2 A partition is a logical part of the disk.A filesystem is a method of storing/finding files on a hard disk.By dividing the hard disk into partitions, data can be grouped and separated as needed. When a failure or mistake occurs, only the data in the affected partition will be damaged, while the data on the other partitions will likely survive.The boot process has multiple steps, starting with BI.. 더보기
The Filesystem Hierarchy Standard Linux uses the ‘/’ character to separate paths (unlike Windows, which uses ‘\’), and does not have drive letters. New drives are mounted as directories in the single filesystem, often under /media 더보기
Linux Linux borrows heavily from the UNIX operating system, with which its creators were well versed. Linux accesses many features and services through files and file-like objects.Linux is a fully multitasking, multiuser operating system, with built-in networking and service processes known as daemons.Linux is developed by a loose confederation of developers from all over the world, collaborating over.. 더보기
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sabermetrics https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AUXtKtfE02s https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AUXtKtfE02s https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AUXtKtfE02s http://www.bu.edu/av/bux/sabr101x-interview9-appelman.mp4?1405906476764 http://www.bu.edu/av/bux/sabr101x-interview10-studenmund.mp4?1405906488625 http://www.bu.edu/av/bux/Lewie%20Pollis%20Interview.mp4?1405906497656 http://www.bu.edu/av/bux/SABR101x%20M6%20Stats%20.. 더보기
야구 기록 계산법_엔하위키 미러 야구의 기록 계산법(엔하위키 미러에서 퍼옴)야구의 각종 기록(stat)들. KBO에서 공식기록으로 다루는 항목은 굵게 표시했다. Contents1 투수2 타자3 종합 [edit]1 투수 ¶규정이닝 - 각 리그별 경기수 * 1이닝 으로 계산된다. 규정 타석처럼 규정 이닝을 충족시켜야 등수에 반영되는 기록이 몇몇 있다. 평균자책점(ERA, Earned Run Average) 세이브 / 블론세이브 홀드 WHIP (이닝당 안타, 볼넷 허용률, Walks plus Hits divided by Innings Pitched) 이닝 당 출루허용률로 많이 알려져 있으나 이는 틀린 말이다. 이것이 혼동을 줘서 이닝당 출루허용률이라는 WHIP에 왜 몸에 맞는 공은 들어가지 않느냐는 질문이 간간히 올라오곤 한다. 퀄리티 스타.. 더보기